
Curtains & Post Holes

See.. I did finish the shower curtain! nothing fancy, just one that is sized to fit our shower stall. I picked out the fabric back in March. I'm considering going back and getting some more for curtains in our living room. Although, that might totally be weird. Please don't mind the green paint, it's not my particular favorite. I'd like to paint it yellow, like a golden yellow... or something like that. But seriously, it probably won't happen!!

I've been wanting matching curtains on all the windows in my kitchen since we moved in. I finally broke down and made this over a year later. I really like them and am somewhat impressed with my curtain making skills! Please don't mind my rooster clock, it never works when it's supposed to. Probably because it came from the dollar store.

and the post hole diggers. See they love it! Well I know Andrea does anyway. In Andrea's words, "4ft deep and 3ft deep are really the same, right?" This is them putting posts in for what will be the new shed for the horses to get out of the weather. I'm sure they will be appreciative, but then again we'll never really know that for sure.



and you shall receive..

Got home yesterday afternoon. Walked to the barnlot only to find Brian and his buddy Jake locked in the feed room with a BB Gun 'exterminating' mice. Seriously, it was like watching two of the most redneck guys you've ever seen. "Oh, there's one, quick he's gonna run" Before
MY Daisy Red Ryder could even be pumped, it would be gone. I don't think any mice were even harmed. We keep our feed in big metal trash cans so the little critters can't get into it, and yet this is what they do down there while waiting for lessons to end. I think it's the highlight of his day honestly.

Back to the asking and receiving part.. I found our camera!! ya, it was on the coffee table.. with all the other things I couldn't find in the last 4 weeks. I'm pretty sure I will be cleaning it off tomorrow in my weekly Saturday morning cleaning adventures. Now, when I say 'cleaning adventures', it is by no means enjoyable for me. But have realized that if I don't at least pick up things, sweep and wipe down all the counters (which we only really have 2), then everything really just gets out of hand. BUT, I promise to take pictures of a few things I've been meaning to share and post them by tomorrow... sometime.

Oh, and work with my new quilt frame and machine. I've named it Thelma, i figured since I will be spending so much time with it, it needed a name. Just makes me feel better when I decide to shout obsenities at it.. makes it more personal. So Thelma and I will be appologixing to each other and starting over since we didn't get along last weekend while trying to roll fabric on the leaders for the first time. I'm sorry Thelma.

And, I am going to force myself to spend a couple hours with Shiner. I mean I want to, and I need to, but there is so little time after I get home from work during the week. I'm going to the farm store during lunch today to get him a new halter. He broke his last one, thanks to Brian's training session. Will show you pictures of him too! He's so big and has filled out so well!!

Also, if you ask for pictures of your niece and nephew who coincidentally are moving to Colorado today.. You get them! Matthew, if you're reading this.. Thanks Bubba!!

Thing 1 & Thing 2

Baby Tag-Team Wrestling, minus the tagging

Babies look good on ya bubba, who'd of guessed!


Lack of Photos

This past weekend I managed to completely finish the new shower curtain I planned for our bathroom. I would have a picture of the finished product, but you see... I can't find the camera. It's probably somewhere between here and Texas. The last place I saw it was Lake Charles, Louisiana. Some housekeeper at the Isle of Capri Hotel and Casino is probably taking pictures as we speak with it. and viewing all of our random ones from our wedding trip. Either way, I can't show you anything I've been working on, completed, or whatever. We are however in the process of buying a new camera, a spiffy new Nikon (or Canon) SLR.

But, back to the shower curtain. I picked the fabric out about 3 months ago, with the intentions of making a shower curtain to fit our tiny shower stall. It only took until late June to start/finish it. I will say this, I learned something new while making it. I learned to make a button hole.. holy crap. That's right, I'd never done one until Sunday and well it was so easy, I'm embarrassed. I'm pretty impressed that I was able to completely make the whole thing without one single hiccup!! So, when I can either locate my camera, or the new one finds its way to our house.. I will show it to you. Along with the set of curtains i made for the window over the sink in the kitchen. Oh, and the red, aqua, and white fabric I ordered to make this as well as the Darla fabric I ordered too.

I don't have any new pics of the twins.. because my brother hasn't sent me any.. go figure! Read it bubba, I need pictures.. I'm seriously dieing over here because you won't send me any. I guess I can forgive you because you are moving to Fort Carson, CO tomorrow.. but still. Help your seester out! I miss those little twerps, and your not so bad yourself.


Sewing List

I've been racking my brain for a long time with all the 'projects' I'd like to do. Most of the time I forget them and never go back to them. I decided that now is as good of a time as any to do them, or at least get them on paper/blog. This way I have to do them!
Now...I'd like to give my self a deadline, like the end of this year, but if you know me, then you know it's not likely. So I will shoot for the end of the year, and hope i make it. If not, that's fine too. Oh and some of these may be squeezed into the same project... And I promise to post pictures once I cross each item off my list!

in no particular order:

-curtains for the kitchen (3 sets)
1 set down
Zig Zag quilt pattern
only aqua, red, white in a quilt
-a quilt for Bethany's baby (due Jan something or other) sex not known yet
-a quilt for Kelly's 4th! :) baby (due Dec18, i think) sex not known yet
-quilt with white sashing
-wall hanging in kitchen with fabric I already bought
-learn to applique, use it on something in the house
-make this ring toy by Heather Bailey
-actually get around to making Kelly's shopping cart cover (sorry Kel, really I am!!! baby #4's gonna need one)
-use the Darla Collection from Tanya Whelan
-make pillows for living room, instead of buying them
-shower curtain for our bathroom
Curtain almost finished, needs holes for hooks
-spiderweb quilt pattern
-subscribe to a quilt/craft magazine
-visit other quilt shops in the area, even if it means crossing state lines
-replace the apron I mailed to Bethany, but never made it to her in FL

*I may/may not add to this. But will try to keep it as up to date as possible. If you have an idea for an addition or revision, let me know what you think!

Oh.. and of course what's a post without pics of these two turds!!!


He looks so 'happy'


I'm a Schwartz

Once you get married, you start to aquire things. It wasn't until the wedding that I officially acquired these guys. Christopher, Caitlyn, Corbin, & Owen. Christoopher, Brian's oldest nephew will be spending a few weeks with us soon. The kid is in for a rude awakening because Brian plans to work him, hard... He needs it, he needs to get away from his brother and sister who I'm sure drive him insane.

Not to be confused with these two little turds: Nathan & Riley aka 'the twins'.
Both are starting to teeth and Riley has decided she would like to practice her rolling so that one day she might be able to steam roll right over her brother. The little squirts are now 3 months old and well let's face it... I'm already looking up flights and times I can fly out to Colorado to see them next year. I'm hoping for their birthday in February. Bubba (my brother, no that's not his real name, we are from South Texas, not East Texas) and his wife will be moving to Ft Carson at the end of this month, where he will be stationed for who knows how long. Seriously, they should be stationed in Kentucky, it's much closer to me!!

I've made a list of everything I want to accomplish by the end of August. Some of the top priorities are to paint/redo our bathroom. Sew more, actually sew enough to be able to use my new quilter. Completely organize our house.. ya that's sounds like a lot of work. Oh, and add more items to my my shop!! AND, since everyone continues to keep on having babies, I will just have to add making quilts and such to that list.